Mike Stahl (aka Mike Thall aka ThisWouldBeMike)

Hi, my name is Mike and I'm a music addict. Some of you guys might have known me as ThisWouldBeMike on Youtube. If you're one of those people, you're the man. Hell, if anybody is spending time on my site right now, you're the man. I've had the gift of promoting great music and working with some of my favorite musicians / labels thanks to all of you. I listen to everything from classical music to hip-hop. But if I had to pick a genre, it would be metal \m/ I've been to some ridiculous number of concerts. Hearing loss is a hobby. I plan on having hearing aids when I'm 64 (If you got that reference... you're the man). Between work, college, and life time can be tight, but I'm gonna write everyday about music I listen to. And I listen to a lot of music... Stay tuned and find new bands.

Jell Zielinski (aka Zelco)

I'm the guy at Warped Tour with too much energy. I was introduced to this taste of music back in high school by these two other dudes. Ever since then my mom always tells me to turn the music down.


 Mattia Brembati (aka MATTIA aka Active Honorary Writer)

Hi! My name is Mattia Brembati and I've got no alias :) or better I do have one, but it's in italian and it would make no sense for the most of you ahaha. Yeah I'm from Italy, and I mosh daily even here, fighting against stereotypes and bad music since 1992. I'll do my best to bring you all the best music I manage to discover, especially here in Europe. I'm very thankful to The Circle Pit and especially to Mike Thall for giving me the chance to write on this amazing website, and I'm extremely thankful to you all for spending your time reading my posts. I pledge to do my best because this music is the best for me. I'm mainly into Djent/Prog/Tech/Math Metal, and I like all kinds of experimentation and contamination in this music. I also love to follow the metalcore, deathcore, melodic death metal, and hardcore scenes. Also a huge fan of punk, ska, reggae, funk, folk, alternative rock, classical music, and a lot of electronic music. I love to explore the local underground scenes and meet a lot of nice people. That's all :) Enjoy the music and play it fuckin' loud!

Arkadeep Deb (aka Aurko)

Hey, this is Arkadeep Deb AKA Aurko. I’m an engineering student based in Calcutta, India. Building my chops on Vocals and Guitars as we speak, I enjoy anything that’s remotely Metal, Classic Rock or Post Rock. My tryst with Heavy Metal began when I picked up a bootleg copy of Slipknot’s The Subliminal Verses (MAGGOT FOR LIFE!!) and Lamb of God’s Ashes of The Wake, and there has been no looking back since. When I’m not harmlessly trolling around or watching Two and a Half Men re-runs, I review the latest in Heavy Metal and also chase my favourite musicians for the latest tid-bits from the industry. As the newest member of The Circle Pit family I am immensely thankful to the team for making me a part of the crew and I’m looking forward to the whole experience. If you need to contact me feel free to drop an email at or (I know it’s a poor joke, don’t ask).

Marcus Meyer (aka \m/eyer)

What's up people! My name is Marcus and I am a metal music junkie from Southern California and I'm proud of it! 'Murica! As of now, I am a full-time student enrolled in college with the aspirations of graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering. When I am not bound by the prison cells of my college campus, I spend my time doing the things that I love the most such as, terrifying my neighbors with the sinister sounds of my music at maximum volume, traveling SoCal venue to venue in search for a great show, riding my motorcycle for a dose therapeutic stress relief, and catching up with friends and family whom I cherish more than anything. Believe it or not, I am a fan of a large variety of music genres but to list a few, Metal, Metalcore, Deathmetal, Post-Hardcore, rock, Progressive Metal, classic rock, and old-school Hip-Hop are my top favorites. But pretty much anything I come across that sparks my interest as talented music is okay by me. As a writer for The Circle Pit I will fulfill my duties to you (our fans) by tirelessly searching through cyberspace to bring you the latest and greatest about all things metal \m/. Thank you for reading my digital blurbs and continue to support the extreme music scene from wherever you are!


Mike Hawbaker (aka Thall Baker)

Hey everyone, the name is Mike, .. or Blair, .. or Hawbaker, or all three.  I go by Thall baker on this site due to my lack of creativity. Haha.  But anyway, I'm a heavy music enthusiast.  I started out listening to bands like Iron Maiden and Slayer a few years ago.  Back then, having gone to a Catholic high school, nothing entertained me more than pulling into the parking lot blasting "Disciple" by Slayer.  I've become interested in exploring all forms of heavy music, everything ranging from Thrash Metal to Melodic Post-Meshuggahcore (or what alot of people are calling "djent").  I've been listening to music my entire life but no genres have interested me enough to start blogging until now.  Be sure to check out the rest of our site if you're as into metal and hardcore as we are.

Mason Trisolino (aka Trisolino)

My name is Mason Trisolino. I am as dedicated to metal as I am alive. Listening to metal is an all encompassing part of my life. Whether its post, thrash, death, black, grind, slam, melodic death, djent, prog, instrumental, sludge, metalcore, plain old heavy metal and yes, even some deathcore, I love it all. When I'm not improving my chops on the guitar/vocals or writing a song, I like to analyze and write about my metal. Figuring out why I like what I like brings joy to my hatred filled heart. From time to time I work on the BAs I'm pursuing in Terrorism/Counter-terrorism and Psychology so I can gain the ability to stop terrorism and control your mind. Hopefully I can introduce you to some music you can enjoy. Peace.

Tyler Dermitt (aka T-Dog The Tree Frog aka TD)

Hello! My name is Tyler Dermitt aka T-Dog The Tree Frog! Don’t ask… I am originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and I am currently attending university. More importantly, I get my vital nutrients from music! Especially live music. To me, there exist very few things better than getting to watch an artist/band pour their heart and soul into the music they love. I can’t spend every day at a concert, so headphones on loud is my usual condition. My musical spectrum is wide but my main focus is the heavy metal, with Rush/Iron Maiden as the catalyst of my musical progressions. I take pride in doing scream vocals while I drive, I own way too many band tees, I slap some bass and have been known to drop a rhyme or two. And like the rest, I love my video games! I hop on Xbox Live whenever I can so if you wanna game or shoot the breeze, hit me up at gamertag “LOOSE n WRINKLY” Otherwise, make sure to check in with The Circle Pit from time to time…we can help you explore new music and appreciate the old stuff!

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