Monday, October 29, 2012


HUGE FREE MUSIC MONDAY! To kick things off right we have an incredible progressive metal act, Cloudyhead. This is mainly a solo project from guitarist James McCabe with drum programming support from Nick Wardlaw. There are some big cameos to be found from Navene Koperweis (ex-Animals as Leaders), Plini, and Sithu Aye (who was featured last Free Music Monday). This is impressive, creative, beautiful music. And it's FREE! Listen to it below and grab it on the official Cloudyhead Bandcamp. If you love the music and want to support James, buy a shirt on Big Cartel!

This is what James has to say about his music, "Cloudyhead is first and foremost the channeling of my mind, thoughts and emotions.

Analog is soundtrack music; not for movies, for life. This music is living in tones and colors, music to walk to class listening to, to drive your car with it cranked, to evoke emotions and memories--especially those pertaining to the greatest emotion of them all: Love. Capital L. I want to spread Love for nature, for humanity and for thought. Romanticism isn't a strong point of mine, sorry.

Due to worthless co-writers, Analog is no longer part of the Cloudyhead discography. Fuck you Dave.

Yeah, fuck Dave.

Links: Facebook // Twitter // Bandcamp // Big Cartel