Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Whether you've heard his name or not, Anup Sastry is a well established artist within the metal world and an absolute beast behind the kit. He's the official drummer in three noteworthy acts, handling the kit for Jeff Loomis, Skyharbor, and Intervals. Not bad at all. And he's recently added another project to that list, being his self-named solo endeavors. And through that project, Anup just released his debut "Ghost" not too long ago.

I have to say this may be the most impressive "Djent" release of 2013 so far. It cleverly takes all the elements from the style that are awesome and dumps all the trends that aren't. It does this while managing to stand above its peers through sheer creative force and talent. In some ways, it's the kind of release that tech heads dream of. Expect insane, razor sharp patterns and tight grooves to be accompanied by original melodies, wide open soundscapes, and injections of ingenuity. This is a solid offering from Anup.

Every single track from this release has something awesome going on. Essentially, they all have similar elements but they also stand firmly on their own with segments you probably won't be expecting. Tracks such as the opener "Legend", "Limitless", the massive "The Boss Level", title track "Ghost", and the phenomenal ender "Crystal" will bend your mind without mercy as Anup plays with odd time signatures and off the wall ideas. The content is just plain stacked on this record.

"Ghost" is a phenomenal solo effort, no doubt. But the solo aspect of it does effect the final mix. The only actual live instruments on the album are the drums as Anup is exclusively a drummer (since when does that happen in the world of programmed drums?). The guitars and bass are programmed but it has to be said they sound fantastic all things considered. Some people will most likely mistaken them for solid, real deal instruments. So in actuality, it doesn't really take away much from the experience.

Another objective flaw has already been hinted at. This release would most definitely fall under the Djent category which always brings its share of stereotypes. But Anup does a solid job of embracing these in the best way possible and expands upon them in a way many bands only wish they could.

This album is awesome enough in itself. But to make it twice as appealing, Anup Sastry is offering up "Ghost" in it's entirety for a "Name Your Own Price" Download on Bandcamp! And yes, free counts as a price. It wouldn't hurt to spare some cash if you can. Anup deserves it. Either way, that's a steal! It's highly recommended you give a listen to the tracks above and go support the greatness \m/

Also, big ups to the guys at It Djents for uploading the tracks \m/

Links: Facebook // Youtube // Bandcamp