Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Welcome back explorers! Today we're heading back to France to discover some awesome, new music.

Remember our last time here? We talked about the best dark progressive / death metal acts coming out of this nation including Gojira, Uneven Structure, Blut Aus Nord, Eryn Non Dae, Hypno5e and Atlantis Chronicles. Aamzing stuff!

But in its multifaceted metal scene, France has a lot more to offer. Today we'll show you some more amazing artists. But instead of focusing on a specific genre we'll be exploring the most interesting music delivered by French solo musicians. That's right. There's so many impressive solo projects coming out of this region and they all deserve a shout. Let's go!
Well, the beginning is easy: the brilliant mind of Remi Gallego, who's beautiful musical inventions flow from his main project The Algorithm! The Algorithm delivers a mix of modern metal and several types of electronic music in some truly devastating and eclectic musical creations. His debut album “Polymorphic Code” came out in 2012. You can read our review here. He has now teamed up with Monuments' drummer Mike Malyan to deliver even crazier live shows. I hope you all will have a chance to check 'em out on stage. Recently, I had the chance to meet / interview both of them before one of their shows in Europe. We'll be posting a video soon!

Links: Facebook // Twitter // Official Store

Another easy one is AurĂ© Pereira, mostly known for being the guitarist of Uneven Structure, but also largely appreciated for his solo project WorC. He brings some truly amazing instrumental metal, with touching atmospheres and creative instrumentations. He released a full-length album “Plychrmatic 0.1” and an EP “When The Day Forms” so far and they are both available for free on his Bandcamp page! Go check him out and don't forget to give a listen to his band Uneven Structure, if you already haven't.

Links: Facebook // Official Website // Twitter // Bandcamp

The next one is one of The Circle Pit's favourites, A.I.(d). His human name is Lou Gregoire and he created some of the most insane and possibly even painful (in a veeeeery good way) music I can remember. Especially with his 2012 EP “Solar Feelings”, which is available for a free download here . That alone pretty much destroyed my aural apparatus (and once again, I was really happy of it). It also looks like he's got some new music in the making since he recently uploaded two new songs: “Ballentine's Night” and “Dramatic Lazyness”. So if you enjoy what's below start following him and expect crazy things!

Links: Facebook // Bandcamp

A very talented French man named Clemente Reviriego from Bordeaux just released his new album called “Arid Landscapes”. This is the debut full-length release of his Instrumental/Tech/Prog/Groove/Jazz project Dorthal. All that you need to know about this talented young guy is written in the review we recently posted for his album. So if you're intrested, you can go read it here. All Dorthal's music is available for stream and name your price download on his Bandcamp page. Go show this guy some love!

Links: Facebook // SoundCloud // Bandcamp

Some truly surprising stuff is delivered by Nicolas Jeanney, who's artistic name is Tenkan. He partially specializes in delivering metal/djent covers of a lot of unexpected music: from Adele to Rage Against The Machine, from Rihanna to...Lana Del Rey. Ok, I know it might sound a bit strange and weird, or even useless. But believe me, it kicks ass! This guy also has his own original tracks on his SoundCloud profile. So go give him a listen and enjoy. I think I'll be presenting his project properly very soon, since he's also the only one in this post who hasn't already been in the Pit before.

Links: Facebook // SoundCloud

Last but not least we'll bring up Cartoon Theory, wich is one of my favourites, even though it's not exactely a solo project. In fact, there are two members working on it, but it's still far from being a full band and they definetly deserve another shout. They're working on a new release “Planet Geisha” and there will be surely some incredible stuff on it. Give a listen to their previous material while waiting.

Links: Facebook // Soundcloud // Bandcamp

There are tons of talented artists creating their music in France and everywhere around the world. So much greatness to discover... life seems too short to find it all. Anyway, we haven't finished with France yet. We'll be back very soon to meet more amazing bands. Stay tuned, explorers!