Friday, May 3, 2013


Plini is the instrumental solo composition of Plini Roessler-Holgate, a visionary musician from “The Land Down Under” (Sydney, Australia to be more specific). Plini also served as the guitar half for Halcyon, a fresh prog-jazz-rock duo, and even collaborated with Sithu Aye. Plini’s new focus “Plini” has plenti progi proporti. I can positivli proclaim that “Plini” is predominantli worth a hundred pretti penni.

The “Other Things” EP experiments in close proximiti of so many genres in just three songs. Plini evokes a pale balance aloft musical notions not frequently paralleled, and paints in such an unfamiliar precinct, even to others pulling from relating genres. Sampling from, but never committing to, and not limited by progressive rock, experimental stuff progressive metal, jazz stuff, post rock and more… so you should probabli be on your ‘avant-garde.’

Track one, “Heart,” is an alluring stream of transitions, blending solos oh-so-overwhelmingly soulful, before passionateli pouring into “Other Things.” “Other Things” is a smooth evolution of rhythm, beginning and ending in entirely different yet mildly familiar environments. Almost as if “Other Things” is a time lapse of sunrise to sunset into an open Australian night sky, boisterous with stars. Yellow hues slur purple; all colors are smeared sequentially between, causing drastic transformation of surrounding without relocation. And, as we all know, thanks to the many nature programs on the topic, the parti doesn’t stop at night in Australia (nor does my stupid word game apparently). A new flow of energy is adopted, more accepting of indulgences. A new society of wildlife sprouts to existence under the moon’s cool intensity; a herald to nocturnal predators, some of whom may rely on mischief to attain desired spoils.

“Selenium Forest” is the musical equivalence of all things natural and magical which occur exclusively under a white Australian moon. The first minute of “Selenium Forest” represents the sun and its congregation attending to their final duties before being steadily ushered away by nightfall, where a noticeable shift in attitude takes place. A darker instrumental tone is known, similar to the impatience of the Tasmanian devil who has spent the day’s duration hidden from the beaming sun, whose eyes now glow pleasingli. Night’s tranquil essence created in “Selenium Forest” is sliced through by menacing keyboard; the merging of the two feelings adds elegance and sophistication to ‘survival of the fittest’ rather than combat and gore.

The “Other Things” EP placed a temporary hold on me from listening to other things. Aside from “Plini’s” unique guitar-ing, a great use of bass and jazzy drums make “Other Things” a special trio of songs. Luckily, Plini has already mentioned via facebook/youtube that there is work in progress! Stay busy with “Other Things” until then. For fans of Halcyon, David Maxim Micic, Mestis, Sithu Aye.

- Tyler Dermitt

Links: Facebook // Bandcamp // Merch