Saturday, May 11, 2013


Modern metal titans Revocation have posted the first studio update for their new album that is set to be released sometime this summer. This, along with a picture of lead vocalist and guitarist David Davidson holding, and seemingly tracking with, a banjo is the first glimpse at new Revocation tunes. The update features drum and bass tracking primarily, although there is a little snippet of a song in the intro and outro of the video that features some tasty guitar playing. Shortly after bassist Brett Bamberger flashes the camera, he lays down a sweet little bass tapping lick that I hope is actually part of the album and not just the bassist fooling around while the camera is on.

It’s pretty clear that it doesn’t take much (exactly one picture and one 4 minute video with minimal music) to get the ball rolling on the Revocation hype machine. The band has been heavily touring on their previous two releases, 2011’s “Chaos of Forms” and 2012’s EP “Teratogenesis”, available for free here. They are also playing this year’s Summer Slaughter tour so it’s no surprise they’ve garnered quite the buzz lately. Davidson and crew keep churning out solid releases. There’s no reason to think this year’s offering will be anything other than a fantastic album filled with the signature experimental thrash that Revocation is known for. Keep checking back with us for more updates on the album as they come.

- M Trisolino

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