Saturday, July 6, 2013


Death Metal band Abysmal Dawn have finally released the long awaited video for their killer track "In Service of Time" after over a year of waiting. This video is the second video they’ve made for their most recent album “Leveling the Plane of Existence.” Both of these were made in partnership with director and editor Robert Mestas. And I have to say I’m impressed.

The video for "In Service of Time" is fantastic. The concept is similar to highly acclaimed movie “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang. A science fiction movie based upon an oppressive, industrial society. Man, in the video, is a slave to the powers that be, just like he is a slave to time as detailed in the song. The video is dark and well shot and features some cool shots of all the band members, especially of vocalist and guitarist Charles Elliot. All around great stuff.

Abysmal Dawn released this video in support of their most recent album, “Leveling the Plane of Existence” released in 2011. That album was fantastic. A lot of awesome mid paced death metal based upon very solid, heavy and catchy riffs. Charles Elliot is also a killer vocalist and guitarist. Probably why he was chosen to fill in for legend Chuck Schuldiner on the first Death to All tour. Pick up “Leveling the Plane of Existence” if you haven’t yet, it’s great, and watch these videos. Prepare for Abysmal Dawn. The guys are set to start tracking drums July 13 for their newest album to be released on Relapse Records. I’m pumped for this one and you should be too.

- Trisolino

Links: Facebook // Merch // Bandcamp