Friday, October 25, 2013


The djentlemen in Volumes just let loose with an update detailing two things. First of all, the new album is well on it's way to completion. The band has completely finished tracking instruments and is currently moving forward with vocal sessions. However, there is still much to be done on the production front. For this reason, Diego Farias (guitarist / producer) will opt out of the band's upcoming tour with The Devil Wears Prada to polish things up. Here's the word from the band themselves:

“#VTEAM! The instruments for our new album is done! However the Production is still ongoing. Vocal sessions now in place. Diego will stay home from The Devil Wears Prada tour to do a final mix of the record while our friend Dane takes up guitar duty. He is staying home so that WE can get the album out to you sooner in 2014 then later..again, we are aiming to have it out late Winter 2014–we will keep you posted though..we are very proud of this album and have put our HEART and SOUL into it!! SEE YOU ON THE ROAD SOON!!!”

While you're waiting, jam the pre-pro version of the new track "Vahle" along with some goodness from the last record.

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