Sunday, November 24, 2013


Destiny Potato's ultra-talented guitarist and mastermind David Maxim Micic just released his long awaited, third solo release “Bilo 3.0”. As we wait for his band's debut album to be released, this is something worth being loved.

Expectations were huge after the amazing, previous episodes of the “Bilo” series but this time David pushed himself beyond with an unforgettable and inspirational musical journey. The album, lasting over 40 minutes (!!), features 6 tracks and a load of guest appearances bringing different vocals, big instrumental variety, beautiful guitar solos, and contributing to the realization of an overall supreme artwork: Jeff Loomis, Per Nilsson, Jakub Zytecki, Dunja Markovic, Aleksandra Radosavljevic, Vladimir Lalic, Aleksandra Djelmas, Larissa Terescenko, Vasil Hadzimanov, Mina Mladenovic, and the Bilo Choir (Aleksandra Djelmas, Tanja Knezevic, Vladimir Lalic, Marko Pantelic, Ivan Propadovic, Marko Zivkovic).

As David stated, this is music for the sake of music, just the most striking, simple, and amazing form of art. You need to experience this. The full album can be streamed on YouTube, Bandcamp, and Spotify and can be downloaded basically everywhere. Enjoy it!

Links: Facebook // Bandcamp // iTunes