Thursday, April 11, 2013


Last Thursday was a huge day for Sworn In. They announced they would be embarking on their first full U.S. tour with For The Fallen Dreams, they joined the Pantheon Agency, and closed their night out with a show in Buffalo, NY for what could be the last time for a while.

The show was put together last minute but the turnout was great. This was Sworn In's third time in Buffalo and vocalist Tyler Dennen noticed some of the same faces. He ordered fans that knew the lyrics to come up to the front and scream them. Piles of people climbed over each other, grabbing for Dennen's mic during "The Opportunist" while some of the more hardcore kids moshed and danced in the pit.

Sworn In also performed "Start", "Apex", and "Three Cheers" which kept the crowd motivated and led to a monitor being broken. Oops. The band's energy on stage did not falter for their whole set and once again, they impressed me. 

When "Let Down" started, the entire crowd began to push forward so they could scream the infamous "I'd rather be letdown than be a letdown BLEGH" line. Of course, people were flying over each other to reach the stage. One fan was pulled up on stage to do guest vocals. 

After a pleading chant of one more song, Sworn In obliged with "The Deviant" in an attempt to give Buffalo a raging send off. 

Opening acts included Buffalo locals Artemis and Makhai, Syracuse band Jonestown, and Poughkeepsie based Ascensions who all contributed to the brutal atmosphere and helped get the crowd pumped for Sworn In. 

Sworn In is definitely here to stay and the future is only looking brighter for them- their album is expected in late winter. Give them a like on Facebook to see when they'll hit your hometown.  


Links: Facebook // Youtube // Merch