Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The Black Dahlia Murder are releasing a new album, titled "Everblack", June 11th of the two thousand and thirteenth year of our lord... just kidding about that last bit. Anyways, along with the album art and pre-order packages, the band has released the first the single off the album. This song, titled "Into the Everblack", is essentially the title track of the album and is probably a decent representation of what this album will ultimately sound like. This song’s lyrical concept deals with the black dahlia murder, the first time the band is covering the topic of their namesake.

I am quick to praise the group’s previous offering "Ritual", but also quick to admit that I’m a little underwhelmed by this track. Yeah Trevor’s vocals are brutal and spot on as ever, and yeah lead guitarist Ryan Knight’s solo absolutely rips, but the intro/chorus is a little lackluster, the first riff is just uninspired chugging, the second riff is quirky and not much of a head banger and the post solo section is pretty bland as well. Luckily a sexy, sound effect filled black metal-ish bridge before the solo, a solid BDM trademark riff at about 3:30, and some sweet production salvage this track for me.

I’m pumped to get my hands on this album this June but hopefully the rest of the album is a tad more impressive. Click here to grab your pre-order and check the Metal Blade Records preview!

- Evan Trisolino

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