Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 I'm consistently impressed with the talent I find for this segment every week. Miri Milman of System Divide is another one of those females who kicks an insane amount of ass. While her vocals are airy and smooth, Milman isn't just another Amy Lee. 

Milman's vocals have a depth that surpasses the mainstream hype of Lee's. While I'm not trashing Lee at all (I'm guilty of a girl crush), there's something about Milman's vocals that takes all misconceptions about female vocalists and kicks them to the curb. 

System Divide started in 2008 and has grown exponentially since then. They have been able to grace the stage with bands such as In This Moment and had a buzz generated after the release of their debut album "The Conscious Sedation." Fans are craving even more after this year's single "Ephemera" hit the Internet. Filled with ambient tones, Milman's airy vocals, and Sven De Caluwe's hellish growls, "Ephemera" is a track that is fully rounded. The metal riffs develop the track even more and made me a fan. 

System Divide is currently writing a new album. Anxious fans be patient, rushing perfection is never a great idea. Go give them a "like" on Facebook and be sure to pick up their debut album through Metalblade Records. \m/ Rock on ladies!


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