Sunday, May 12, 2013


First off, yes I realize this is controversial timing to write such a review considering the alleged actions of Tim Lambesis. You can read more about that here. This video of the arraignment will also give you a good idea of the current state of affairs. But in all fairness, I ordered the CD well before these allegations surfaced. Unfortunately it arrived the day after the news broke... Shit timing. But I'm not one to leave a brand new CD laying around. Just let it be known I don't condone Tim's actions, but I sure as hell condone Death Metal \m/

So if you honestly haven't gathered, Pyrithion is the Death Metal side project of As I Lay Dying's Tim Lambesis. It's also the brain child of two very awesome guitarists Ryan Glisan (Allegaeon) and Andy Godwin (Embodyment). The drums and bass for this effort were actually recorded by studio musicians John P Andrade and Josh Gilbert. All of the above bring out great skill on the debut Pyrithion EP, "The Burden Of Sorrow" (released via the legendary Metal Blade Records).

The EP is composed of three tracks. First, there's the single "The Invention of Hatred" which was released into the world a good bit before the EPs official release. In some ways it's different listening to this track now. Maybe these lyrics were a reflection of the real Tim Lambesis as opposed to what he wrote in As I Lay Dying. Who knows? Either way, it's pretty damn metal. The music itself is solid, a common trend throughout the EP. Next up, there's "Bleed Out". Also pretty damn metal in it's delivery of heavy chaos n' blast beats. It's especially apparent that Tim's vocal approach is different from his norm with deeper growls, high shrieks and such. Appropriate all things considered. "Rest in the Arms of A Paralyzed Beast" is easily my favorite track on the EP. It opens up clean only to crush with massive riffs and grooves leading up to a destructive finale.

"The Burden Of Sorrow" isn't delivered without some flaws. This isn't notably an original effort, but it does have it's moments. And what it lacks in outstanding originality is generally made up for by the energy and delivery brought by the band on all three tracks. That's really the only overt flaw. Every other blemish is very minor by comparison. For example, it's a very short release but it's to the point.

To sum things up, this debut is great. You can scope out some tracks above and see for yourself. It's also a reflection of how Tim seems to have thrown away his work and potential through these alleged stupid, callous actions. But the musical minds behind the band, Ryan and Andy, are still fully worth supporting and will keep on doing their thing. You can actually read their official statement on the situation just below while you headbang to the music above.

"I want to thank everyone for their patience and for their concerns and good wishes that you have shown the band this last week. Obviously this is a situation that can't be planned for and therefor we have been trying not to speak out of turn. As of now, we don't have any more information on the situation than what we can find in the news but we want to make sure this plays out how it needs to and that we don't in any way interfere. Thank you so much for the continued support everyone, it means a ton to us."

Links: Facebook // Official Website // Merch