Saturday, May 18, 2013


Formed in 2008 and emerging from Newcastle, Australia, The Storm Picturesque is a heavy new talent. Putting themselves in the wake of the recent success gained by bands like Northlane, their sound has began to break borders.

The Stom Picturesque's debut album “Arrival” arrived on May 10th (pun intended). It marks the affirmation of this band amongst the Australian metal scene, which is actually one of the most prolific metal scenes in the world at the moment.

This band provides heavy music with a djenty attitude including groovy and atmospheric passages. They show their best through explosive tunes like the opening title-track “Arrival”, the single “By Design”, and other tracks like “Ghost”, “Observing Polarities”, and “Sentinel”. This album is definitely worth a listen, especially since it's also available for a free download here. And if you enjoy, you can also buy it on with some more cool merch. Enjoy the album and show these guys some love!


Links: Facebook // Myspace // Merch