Sunday, June 30, 2013


The road can be a treacherous place. And it always seems a touring van is the weakest link of any band. Luckily in this case no one was hurt or anything particularly dramatic. But Abiotic does need your support. Read on below...

“We just got home from our tour with The Faceless, Within the Ruins, and Rings of Saturn and we had a fucking blast! A huge thanks to all of you that came out to a show, picked up some merch, gave us a floor to crash on and a shower when we needed it. We’ve got the most amazing fans and we appreciate all of you very much!

That being said, we unfortunately have had to cancel the last three dates of our run with Within the Ruins due to some severe van trouble we’ve been having. We spent over $1200 fixing this van just to be able to make it home, only to find out that there are more serious problems that are going on with it which leaves us at the decision to have to purchase a new van.

We WILL still be doing all the current tours we are booked on, but at this point, we do need your help!”

If you wish to lend Abiotic a helping hand, click right here. Either way, jam the heavy goodness below \m/

Links: Facebook // Twitter // Merch // Van Campaign