Sunday, June 30, 2013


Damned Spring Fragrantia have finally unleashed their wild creature “Divergences”. Released on June 24th through the UK-based label Basick Records, this is a ferociously heavy venture worth your attention.

The enormous sound of this hungry monster's steps resound loudly as it hunts down its prey. Fast and agile, yet massive and destructive, it fiercely devours those who cannot escape its fury and ruthlessly treads on those who try to resist. This is an explosive mix of djent, math, progressive and hardcore elements melted with originality and perfect balance.

You can clearly hear it form this beast's awakening and very first roar on the opening track, resulting in a furious and lethal sonic storm. More virulent songs will follow. The new songs often look to be more linear than the previous singles “DMZ” and “Lost Shores” with no lack of complexity and creativity though. A couple of them will show hints of melody, like “Drowned in Cyan” or “Pariah” (featuring guest vocals of Charlie Holmes from Heart In Hand) but always packed in a brutal and sick musical ambush.

There are a series of corrosive and lacerating songs built on a solid and unpredictable riffage, supported by some unstoppable breakdowns. This is especially true in huge tracks like “The Obsidian Fate” or the three final songs, in which hides the best this album has to offer: the title track “Divergences” (probably the best overall song on the album), “The Refusal Effect” and the final song “Heritage”.

This album is savage. Overwhelming and uncontrollable, "Divergences" is a shattering declaration packed in one of the best debut albums of the year. This is definitely one of the most excessive records of 2013, only weakened by its redundancy and the cloudy effect caused by the harassment on such a huge and heavy sound, making it really hard to give each song its own hook. But they kinda managed to not make it annoying or repetitive. The chain has been broken and this beast has now shown itself in its whole mighty presence. It looks like it will not be caged again.

Links: Facebook // Basick Records // iTunes