Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Born of Osiris are making their return on August 20th with a brand new album! Running with the title "Tomorrow We Die ∆live", it will be released through the legendary Sumerian Records. Pre-orders were just released in anticipation of this. Grab yours here!

The band has also released their first single "M∆CHINE" along with the mind melting artwork for the record. The single is actually available for FREE DOWNLOAD. Check both of the above, below.

It should be interesting to see how Born of Osiris progresses with the loss of shredding guitarist Jason Richardson (Chelsea Grin, ex-All Shall Perish). But don't forget O.G. composers guitarist Lee McKinney and drummer Cameron Losch are more than beastly themselves. Stay tuned and expect this album to be CRUSHING and EPIC \m/

8/6/13 UPDATE

There's a new Born of Osiris single on the loose. Similar to the first single "M∆chine", "Divergency" is a considerably straightforward Born of Osiris track packing in some good ol' off-time heaviness with plenty of keyboard breakdowns. There are also melodic segments reminiscent of their previous record "The Discovery".

Unfortunately, there's a segment at the end of the track that will likely divide listeners. You can really tell notorious producer Joey Sturgis got his hands on this one... There's a dubstep section. Some people love it. Some people hate it.

For those in the later category, there's good news. The full album teaser shows this is the second track of the album and that things progress greatly as the record moves on. The opening songs (aka the singles released thus far) are the fun ones. Example, "M∆chine" was ∆wesome live. So mosh it up as August 20th approaches! Tomorrow We Die ∆live.

Links: Facebook // Twitter // iTunes // FREE DOWNLOAD